List of Tamil words in Chinese language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Chinese language
Dr. Varainkaval Ramasamy Annadurai ;MD; DPM;
Chinese is a group of languages that form the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan languages, spoken by the ethnic Han Chinese majority and many minority ethnic groups in Greater China. About 1.3 billion people (or approximately 16% of the world's population) speak a variety of Chinese as their first language.
The spoken varieties of Chinese are usually considered by native speakers to be variants of a single language. Due to their lack of mutual intelligibility, however, they are classified as separate languages in a family by linguists, who note that the varieties are as divergent as the Romance languages. Investigation of the historical relationships among the varieties of Chinese is just starting. Currently, most classifications posit 7 to 13 main regional groups based on phonetic developments from Middle Chinese, of which the most spoken by far is Mandarin (with about 800 million speakers, or 66%), followed by Min (75 million, e.g. Southern Min), Wu (74 million, e.g. Shanghainese), and Yue (68 million, e.g. Cantonese). These branches are unintelligible to each other, and many of their subgroups are unintelligible with the other varieties within the same branch (e.g. Southern Min). There are, however, transitional areas where varieties from different branches share enough features for some limited intelligibility, including New Xiang with Southwest Mandarin, Xuanzhou Wu with Lower Yangtze Mandarin, Jin with Central Plains Mandarin and certain divergent dialects of Hakka with Gan (though these are unintelligible with mainstream Hakka). All varieties of Chinese are tonal to at least some degree, and are largely analytic.
The earliest Chinese written records are Shang dynasty-era oracle bone inscriptions, which can be dated to 1250 BCE. The phonetic categories of Old Chinese can be reconstructed from the rhymes of ancient poetry. During the Northern and Southern dynasties period, Middle Chinese went through several sound changes and split into several varieties following prolonged geographic and political separation. Qieyun, a rime dictionary, recorded a compromise between the pronunciations of different regions. The royal courts of the Ming and early Qing dynasties operated using a koiné language (Guanhua) based on Nanjing dialect of Lower Yangtze Mandarin.
Standard Chinese (Standard Mandarin), based on the Beijing dialect of Mandarin, was adopted in the 1930s and is now an official language of both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan), one of the four official languages of Singapore, and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. The written form, using the logograms known as Chinese characters, is shared by literate speakers of mutually unintelligible dialects. Since the 1950s, simplified Chinese characters have been promoted for use by the government of the People's Republic of China, while Singapore officially adopted simplified characters in 1976. Traditional characters remain in use in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and other countries with significant overseas Chinese speaking communities such as Malaysia (which although adopted simplified characters as the de facto standard in the 1980s, traditional characters still remain in widespread use).

Clues to read Chinese words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
1.A New Century Chinese -English Dictionary
2. ce_dict (1).pdf
English- Chinese – Tamil
1.grandma- ana- annai / mother
*2.grandma- aijie- aachchi
*3.nurse maid- ayi – aayaa
*4.expression for pain- ayo- ayyo ; ayyo means calling one’s father/ lord- iyyan .
5.sound of crying in pain – ao ao- aao aa
6. father- ama – ammaan
7.we- an- naam
8.our- na- namma
*9.beautiful- ai- a/ beauty
*10.hold/ operate the rudder- baduo- pidi / hold; pidiththu oaattu; oaattu- drive.
*11.faeces- ba- pei of no use- baida- payan padatha ; payan- use.
13. take a step- batui – adi edu ; adi- foot; edu- take; adi poadu .
*14.sun- bairi- paeru
15.moon- baitu- pathamam ;mathi. with respect- baidu – padi /read
* well read- baodo- padiththa / well read
* ban – pannu
*18.carry out- bandao –pannidu
*19.bind- bang –pinaikka
*20.dress- baoza –paasi /cloth
21.dress up – banzuo- punaiya companion – banyou- payanam - travel; payani- traveller.
23.register- baodao – pathivu idu /to register; pathivu yaedu /register book
*24.bulge/ protrude - baotu – pudaiththida
25.bosom- bao- paachchi
26.hug- bao- anaippu
27.gallop- benteng- paainthiduka
*28.rush wildly- bentu- paainthidu
* away/ flee – bentao- paainthu oaadu
*30.flowing/ water- biao- paaya
31.take care of- baoguan ; paakka; paakkanum
32.give a talk- baogao- paesuka
33. vagina-bi- poonaa
*’s profession- benye- pani
35.benefit- biyi- payan
*36.bag- bao- pai
37.when- biji- eppo
*38.plait/ weave/ braid- bian –pinnu
39.servant girl – binu- penn/ girl
*40.leave/ part from/ go away -bie – poa
*41.lump of ice- bingtuo- pani katti; note ; ice- bing in Chinese ; pani in Tamil .
*42.sick person- bingren- pini kaaran ; pini- illness; kaaram- person
*43.sick body- bingti- pini kattai; pini- disease; kattai- body .
44.tear down- botuo—pichhcidu
45. highest wisdom- bore- paer arivu ; paer- great; arivu- wisdom.
*46.forgive / bear with - barong- porunkka/ polite form ; porukka/ forgive.
47.winnow- budong – pudainkka / polite form ; pudaikka / to winnow.
48.flee- batao- oaadi poaeidu ; letters are jumbled.
49.not fear- budan- peethi inmai ;peethi- fear; inmai- without.
* inadequate- budai- poaathaathu; paththaathu .
* troops- budui- padai
52.small reservoir- batang- podi thanni thaekkam ; letters are read more than once; podi- small; thanni- water; thekkam- stagnation .
53.jack fruit / pine apple- baluami- pazham / fruit
54.vegetables- cai- kaai ; letter ‘c’ is read as ‘ka’ .
55.give birth to- chan – sinai eenu ; sinai - embryo/ baby ;eenu- to beget ; jani [Skt].
*56.noisy – chao – oaasaiyaa
*57.leave/ move away – cheli- sellu
*58.angry- chen – sinam
59.suffer- chi kutou- koadu / hardship; kastam; letters are jumbled.
*60.saliva- chi- echchi
* chi – sae
*62.whip-chouda- saattai
63.speak- chukou- paesuka ; asaikka .
64.fear- chu-achcham
* together- couda- saeththidu
*66.die- cu/si- sa / death
67.create/ produce - chuang- seiyinkka / polite form- seika /make/create .
69.collaborate/ gang with- chuant ong – onnaka saenthu ; letters are jumbled ; saenthu- jointly; onnakka- together . in Yunnan - dali - thalam / place
71.a city in Taivan- tali - thalam/place
72.ambassador- da shi- thoothan
*73.thigh- da tui – thodai
74.heavy rain- dayu – uootti/ rain ; letters are in reversed order; uooththa / pour .
75.foolish/ stupid- dai – madamai
*76.stay - dai- adaiya
*77.delay – dai -atti
*78.evil / wicked - dai- theeya ;theethu .
*79.arrest- dai ; thadu ; adai /confine/ lock up.
80.catch – dai – pidi
81.dam- dai – madai ; dam[E] [ the ma- ] =madai . of a mountain in Shandong- dai – oaathai/ mountain
*83.bring- dai – attu dai – pattai
84.belt- dai- iduppu pattai ; idai poottu ; idai pattai ; idai- waist; pattai- band .
*85.wear/ put on - dai- uduththu
86.area- dai- idam
87.ribbon- dai- naadaa
*88.with- dai- oaadu; udan. respect- dai- mathi ; sattai ; pettu .
* dai- thoo ; adi; thunai ; muttu; pidi .
91.tortoise shell- dai- aaami oaadu ;amai- tortoise; oaadu -shell .
92.pretend- dai – nadi
*93.soak/ cloths - ta - thoai ;thoaththidu ; thuni yaei thoaththidu ;thuni- cloth; letter is read more than once.
94.idle- dai- madimai ; madi . – dai kuan – kadan; letters are jumbled.
96.produce- dai lai ; padaiththal ; seithal .
97.replace- dai ti – maaththi thaa
98.substitute- dai ti zhe – maaththu
99.take the lead- dai tou – munthidu
*100.have- dai you – edu
*101.alone- du- oththaiyaa
*102.single /sole- dan / danyi - thaniyaa
*103.alone- dandu – thaniththu
*104.alone- ding- thaniyaaka
105.on one’s own- dan du -thannai thaanae
106.addicted to liquor- dan -thanni adimai ; thanni- liquor; adimai- addict .
* away – taotuo- oaadiu
108.pot- tao- satti
109.take a bus/train - dache – edu
*110.drum used in Uygur- dabu – thappu
111.achieve- dadao – saathiththidu
*112. aunt/ mother’s sister- dayi – aththai/ father’s sister
*113.knock / the door- da- thattu
*114.break- da- udai
*115.write- da- theettu
* da- thee fire- da- sudu
*118.inject- da- yaeththu
119.dig- da-thoandu
*120.beat drums- da- thattu
*121.wipe out- dadaio – thudai
*122.defeat- dabai – thoappu
*123.defeat- dakua – thoakka
*124.choke- daye- adaiththida
*125.bass drum- dagu – udukkai ;thakkai .
126.when- dai – eppoathu
*127.cheat – dai – yaeththidu
*128.take- dai – edu
* dai – oaattu
*130.independent- dandu – thaniththu
*131.stay- dange – thankku
*132.lift- taigo – thookku
*133.pour- dao- uooththu
*134.get- de- adaiya
*135.arrow- di- udu
*136.bit- diandi – thundu
*137.grandpa- diedie- thaaththaa
*138.fight- dou – adi thadi
*138.hole- dou- oaattai
*139.touch lightly- du- thodu/ touch
*140.fetch- duqu –edukka
141.ferry- dukou – padaku
*142.abuse- du – thittu
*143.block up- du – thadu / block ; adaiththida / block up.
* thinnu ; dine [E] = thinnu .
* stop- didang – thadunkka / polite form
*146.stop- duo – thadu
*147. to prevent- du- thadu
148.toot- duo –uoothu; letters are in reversed order.
*149.trouble- duo – ittoaattu
150.pendant ornaments- dang – thon-k-kattaan ; letters are read more than once ; thonkka- to hang .
*151.obstruct/ hinder/ to block – dang/ tang – thadukka; thadunkka / polite form .
152.knife- dao -pattaa
*153.sound of a metal/ bell - dang – dangu dangu nnu
*154.grumble- dao - idi
155.kayak- dao- oadam/ boat ;thaoani /boat .
156.cut / incision- dao kou -thundikka
*157.collapse- dao -idiya
*158.collapse- tanta – idinthida
*159.collapse- taluo- idithal
160.column- dao -thoon ; muttu thadi .
161. to conduct- dao- nadaaththu
162. island- dao- munn thittu ; munn- land; thittu- patchy area .
*163.islands- dao yu – theevu/ island
164.island nation- dao- gou- theevakam ; ka= va; va= ka ;theevu- island; akam- state.
*165.pound- dao – idi
*166.beat- dao – adi
*167.beat up- duda- adiththidu / beat ; saaththu .
* fight- dou – aadu
* battle- dou – aadu incite- dou- thoondu struggle- dou -thinndadu
* pray -dao- thuthi ; oaathu .
*173.prayer -dao gao – thuthikkai ; oaathukai .
174.tread on/ stamp - dao- mithi
* close down- daobi – adai
*176.smash- dao hui –idi ; udaiya ; udaikka ; idikka .
*177cause a disturbance- dao luan -thollaiyana /disturbance
* arrive -dao - adaiya
*179.arrival – dao lai – adaithal reach – dao da- adainthida
* get / attain- de- adaiya get /obtain- de dao – adainthida
182. to cover over- dao- moodu ; moodi- cover.
183.steal- dao –edu / take
184.steal- dao qie -edukka /take
185.thief- dao – thaenan
186.path/ road - dao- thadam ; paathai .
*187.say / speak- dao- oaathu
188.original – dao di -motha motha / very first
*189.gain- de- eettu ; eettam .
*190.suitable- de- oththa
191.character- de -thanmai
*192.allow- de – yaeththidu; oththidu ; anumathi .
193.finished – de- mudi/ to finish
*194.settle/ liquid- deng – thankka
*195.settle down in a place to live -ding ju – thankku /to settle down
*196.stare at- deng – uththu noakka ; noakka- to look.
197.stirrup- deng -kindu ; letters are in reversed order.
*198.beneath- di – adi
199.drop- di- sottu
200.drip- di –sotta
201.trickle -di liu- sottuthal ; thuli thuli ya sottuthal ;thuli- a drop .
*202.ram/ billy goat- di- aadu /goat
203.wash- di – thudai /sweep /wipe
204.truly- di- meiyaanathu / true one
205.bridle- di –moottu antagonistic -di shi – ethththidu
207.enemy- diren -ethiri
*208.bottom/ base- di -adi
*209.enmity- di yi- thoo
210.disco- disike - aaduka/ to dance
*211.push against- di – idi
* di – eedu loan- diyadai kuan - eettukkana kadan ;eedu- mortage ; kadan- loan .
*214.resist- di- thadu
* di- adi
*216.butt- di- idi; muttu .
*217.baffle- di- thadu
218.pier- di- thoon
219.lone standing tree- di-oththai thadi ; oththai- single; thadi- tree/ timber.
* - di- idai ground - di- thaem ; thinai ; idam .
222.pearly- di -muththu / pearl
223.jar without ears- di – jaadi /jar drop /as liquid- di- sotta
225.knot- di – mudi
226.stem / of a fruit- di – thandu / stem fetter-di – poottu
* kick- di- uthai
* kick- tida- uthaiththidu
230.bald- tu- sottai
*231.head- toulu- thalai
232.tonsure- tidu- mottai adi ; mudi yaei edu ; mudi- hair; edu- take away .
*233.suitable- tieque- oththathaaka
* give- di- thaa
235.fifth- di wu-aeinthu/ five
236.eight- di ba – ettu
237.ninth – di jii -thondu
238.tenth- di shi – paththu /ten
* go away- di-etta poa ;etta- away ;poa- go .
240.first -di yi- motha
241.create- di zao -padai ; seithidu ; letters are in reversed order.
242.disciple/ follower- di si - adimai ; thondan .
243.think of- dian – ennida; letters are in reversed order.
244.engrave- diao - pathi
245.carve- diao ke - seuthukku
246.engrave- diao ke- pathikka
*247.penis- diao -thadi /stick
*248.distant- diao- etta/ far tumble- die dao -thdukka die – thaathai /daddy ; thanthai ; aththa .
251.flowing flood- die – oaatha oaattam ; oaatham- flood; oaattam- flowing.
*252.gnaw/ bite/ eat - die- thuei / eat
253.mound- die- maedu change- tugai – maaththuka
*255.plate/dish - die- thattu
256.butterfly – die- pappaththi
257.fold up- die –madi
*258.have not slept all night- tongue- thonnakaamai / not slept
*259.sleep in the same bed- tongta- thoonkida /to sleep
*260.sting- ding -theenduka
* indecisive /waver- dang yao – thayankka / wavering under garment covering chest and abdomen- dou dou – ut sattai ; sattai- shirt .
263.tremble- dou - thudi ; thudiththida ; letter is read more than once.
* du- oaathu; padi .
265.skull- du – mandai oaadu ; mandai- head; oaadu- shell. stand alone- du li – oththaiyaa nillu ; oththai- alone; nillu- to stand.
*267.canoe- du mu zhou –oaadam / boat
268.unique /distinct- du te- thani thanmai udaiya ; thani thanami- uniqueness; udaiya- has.
269.belly- du -thonthi ; idai/ hip cross over- du guo- kadakka ; letters are read in reversed order.
271.ferry- do kou- kadaththu /boat ; letters are in reversed order.
272.accumulate- dui ji – saeththidu ; letters are read in reversed order.
* oppose- dui – ethiththidu ; letter is read more than once .
*274.oppose- dui li – ethiththiduthal
275.pair/ couple- dui –joadi /set
*276.hate- dui -adu
*277.gate pillar/ pier- dun – thoon
278.stupid- dun – moodan / a stupid prick- duo -theiththida ; letter is read more than once .
*280.pick up- tiqu- edukka tige- kattu ; letters are in reversed order.
*282.cut- duo- adi ; theettu ; thaei .
* weigh- duo- edai yidu ; edai- weight ; letter is read more than once .
*284.weigh [D1] – tuiquao – thookki edai iduka ; edai- weight ; thookku- lift
285. pace/ walk slowly- duo- ettu /pace ; adi edu / walk ; adi- foot; edu- take.
286.mountain peak- duo- mudi / summit
*287.he /she- ta – athu
* ta –ethu
*289.make rubbing- ta -thaei
*290.flog- ta – adi
291.step on- ta – mithi of a river – ta- thuni / river ; nathi ; unthi
*293.door- ta- thitti
*294.coating/ of tongue- ta- yaedu
*295.lift- ta- edu
296.platform- ta –maedai
*297.camel- tuo- ottai
298.lump – tuo – thadippu
Tamil - Taimir ; la = Ra .
*299.tango / dance- tange – aadunkka / to dance/ polite form lie down/ lie in bed - tang- padunkka ; thoonkku / sleep . tang- thankkum idam ; thankka- to stay .
* burn- tang – thee idunkka /to make fire/ polite form ; thee- fire.
303.gluttonous – tao – theeni thinni ; theni- snacks; thinni- one who eats; thinnu- eat .
*304.wood block- tao- thadi
* away – taoli- oaaduthal /running ; oaattam eduththal- flee; oaadi olithal; olithal – to hide.
*306.hand drum- tao – thudi
307.bad- tao qi- theenkku
308.cap- taozi- thoppi
309.cover- tao- moodi/ a cover/ lid ; moodu- to cover. change- tao – maaththu
311.dispatch - te pai -anuppidu ; letters are in reversed order.
* / sports- ti- aadu
*313.kick- ti- uthai
*314.kick- tida- uthaiththidu
315.kick- tideng – uthaikka ; uthainkka/ polite form .
316.grass- ti - poodu
*317.inscribe- ti- theettu
318.mention- ti dao- suttu
*319.increase- ti gao – yaeththuka
*320.body- ti – thadi
*321.tray- ti- thattu ; letter is read more than once.
322.sneeze- ti – thumma
323.fatigue- ti- asathi
324.fearful- ti- peethi /fear
*325.far- ti – etti
326.every day- tian tian – thinam thinam
*327.hole- tian- thun
328.honey- tian mi – thaen
honeyed- tian- than/ honey
*329.delay- tiao -atti ; thaamathi .
*330.remote- tiao – eetta ;etti
331.incite- tiao qi -thoonduka
*332.scorch -tiao -theei ;theeiththidu . pulse- tiao dong – thudi thudikka ; letters are read more than once. jump- ti- thaandu
*335.leap- tiao -thaavu
336.high jump- tiao gao – thaanduka
337.jump- tang – thaanduka ; letter ‘t’ is read once more as ‘d’ . dance- tiao wu- aadu
339.peaceful /quiet -tie- amaithi
* stick/ paste- tie – ottu
341.steps/ stairs- ti- padi
* halt- ting- thankku
*343.stagnant water- ting –thaenkkiya thanni ; thaenkkiya- stagnant; thanni- water; letters are read more than once.
344.clap of thunder- ting –idi idikka ; idi- thunder.
345.beautiful- tou –then ;thuppu ;theeththi ; thottimai .
*346.pierce- tou- thei
347.baldness- tu tou-sottai
348.abrupt/ sudden- tu ran – thidirana agree- tongyi – yaeththukka
350.contribute- tou gao ; kodu ; letters are in reversed order.
*351.smear- tu – thaei ; theettu .
* injured- tu- adi / injury
353.way – tu- paathai ; thadam .
354.conspire- tu mou- sathi thittam
355.spit- tu – thuppu ;thoo thoo
*356.dust- tu –thoosu ; thudai ; ottadai .
*357.tell- tulu – yaaththal
* reject- tu qi- othukkaama ;oththukka- to accept .
359.leg- tui- adi/ foot
*360.atrophy -tui hua – thaeikai
*361.take off- tuo – edu
362.mop- tuo ba – thudai tuo- thoosi
*364.sound- tuo – oaathai
365.chicken curry – galiji – koazhi kuzhampu ; koazhi- chicken; kuzhampu- gravy.
366.caw/ crow- gaga- kaa kaa / onomatopoeic
*367.give up- gai diao – kai vidu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*368.kill- gandiao – kondridu ; konnudu/ slang .
369.tall- ka- pokkam
*370.altitude- gaodu – kuththu-k-koadu;letters are read more than once .
371.look after- kancheng- kaanuka
372.look after- kanhu- kaanuka
*373.see- kandao- kandidu
*374.visit / call on- kan- kaanu
378.high proof liquor- gaodujiu – kudi/ liquor
379.highland/ hill- gaodi –kumidu /hill
380.shout loudly- gaohu - koovuka ; ka= va; va= ka.
381.ask for mercy – gaorao- karunai koaru ; letters are read more than once; karunai [? Skt ] ; koaru- ask ; erakkam Tamil = karunai ; letters are jumbled
*382. ask for a loan- gaodai-kadan kaettidu; kadan-loan; kaettidu- ask .
383.ask for leave- gaotui- vidai kaettidu ; ka= va; va= ka; kaettidu- to ask .
*384. lump- gedo – katti
*385. knot- geda- kattu
386. exchange blows- gedou- kai kuththu ; kai- hand; kuththu- to give a blow.
*387.gang up with -goudo – koodu
388.beat/ lash - jida –adi; saaththu .
*389.knock down- jidao- saaiththidu
*390.add/ include- jiaru- saeru
391.narrow lane- jiadao- santhu and pick out- jietou- thaedi edu ;thaedu- search ; edu- pick .
*393.connect / join- jiadao- saeththidu
394.howl- haoku- koovuka
*395.blend / mix- goudui –koottu
396.collaborate with -goutong- kooduka
397.join- goutong- koottuka gou- akkan
*399. boil for a long time- gudu – kothi ; kothikka; letters are jumbled; kothiththida / boil .
*400.girl- guniang – kanikai
*401.prostitute- guniangr –kanikaiyar
402.age – old- gulao – kizham / aged
*403.cereal / grain – guli –koolam
*404.wood block- guduo- kattai / wood
*405.solid/ solid state- gudi – ketti
406.home town- guti- kudi/ village
*407.ancient capital- guti – koattam / capital city
*408.former residence of high officials- guti – kudi/ residence / house
409.worry- gulu- kavalai ; ka= va; va= ka; kalakkam .
*410.scrapping knife- guadao- kaththi / knife
*411.clatter- guada- kada kada
*412.join / link up - gaogou – koakka
*413.hook- gaogou – kokki
*414.abduct- guaidai – kadaththu
*415.mountain pass- gunai – kanavaai ; ka= va; va= ka.
* and concern with -guangu – kavanikka gancheyuan – kaanuvoan ; ka= va; va= ka.
*418.herdsman- guan- Koanaan
419.provide- guiding – kodukka; kodunkka.
* under /class - guilei- kuzhu
421.territory/ land- guotu- kandam
422.fruit syrup- guozilu –kani koozh; kani- fruit; koozh- thick liquid/ food/ conjee.
* to pass- guodequ- kadakka koodiya ;letters are read more than once
*424.passage- guodao – kadai
425.transit- guodu –kadappu
*426.exceeding limit -guotuo- kada; kadakka .
*427.concern-guowen -kavanam
*428.testicle- gao – kaai /
* in Gansu – gaotai – kudi / village
* make- gao- aakku
431.elder brother- ge ge- kaakkaiyan
432.spear- ge- kuni
433.armpit- ge – kakkam
434.arm- ge bi – kai hug- ge- anaikka
436.remove- ge –neekku
*437.hands joined- gong- kai enaikka ; ka- arm / hand; inaika- to join.
*438.hook- gou- kokki
*439.groove- gou dao- gaadi ; kaadi . of a hill in Hunan - gou – kamai / mountain gou- naaikkan ;kukkan .
*442.copulate- gou – oakka / fuck
*443.see- kan - kaan
*444.see that - kan dou – kandidu ;athai kandidu ; athu- that ;kandidu- see.
* look- guan –kaan observe- guan-kavani ; ka= va; va= ka.
* watch- guan kan- kann kaani take care of- guan – kavani ; ka= va; va= ka.
*449.bullock/ cow- gu- koa
*450.joint- guan jie -kanu
*451.bone- gu- akku
452.dried up- gu –kaaya / to become dry
*453.crow- gua – kaakka
*454.cup - guan- kinni/bowl
* visit- guang- kaanuka /see provide -gui ding- kodunkka / to give/ polite form.
*457.maiden/ unmarried girl- gunu – kanni
*458.fruit- guo- kani ; kaai / unripe fruit
*459.fruit- qin- kani
460.monkey- guo- -kaanavan ; ka= va; va= ka ;
* in Qinghai – Guide – kudi / village; kudikaadu ; letters are read more than once.
*463.exceeding- guo du – kada /exceed; kadakka .
464.excessive- guo duo – mikuthi
* handle/ manage- guolai – kai aalu
*466.operate /start a vehicle- kai- iyakku
467.anger- kai -koavam ; ka= va; va= ka; kaaya .
468.cough- kai – kakka / to cough
*469.examine/test- kai –aaika
*470.cave- ke- kukai ; letter is read more than once.
*471.passenger ship- ke lun – kalan /ship
472.bitter- ku -kaippu
*473.beg-qi tao- kai edu ; ka- hand; edu- take / hold.
*474.beat- qia do- kottu / beat the drum ask- qing –kaekka
*476.crane- qiu – kokku ; letter is read more than once.
*477.sleeve opening- qu- kai
*478.brew- qicha- kaachchu
479.await- qidai -kaaththu-k-kidakka ; letters are read more then once.
*480.aged person- qilao- kizham
481.umbilical cord- qidai - nanju kodi / placenta horse- qi- kokku/ horse
483.flag tower- qita- kodi koondu ; kodi- flag ; koondu- tower. . qitu – kandu adaiya
485.start the machine- qidong - iyakkidunkka / polite form; iyakkidu .
486.rise/ stand up /arise - qilai -yezhuka ; letters are in reversed order.
*487.beautiful- qili – kaal ; kalai ; kozhumai .
*488.strength-qili- kali ; koal; ikal .
*489.abscond- qiantao – kaanathu
490.take along- qiedai – koottitu poa
*491.see with one’s eyes- qindu ; kann kandida ; kann- eye; kandida- to see; letters are read more than once.
*492.see with one’s own eyes- qinyan –kann kana ; kann- eye; kaana- to see.
*493.prison/ gaol - qiulao –kaaval; ka= va; va= ka.
*494.prisoner- qiutu – kaithi ; root word is adaikka/ confine ; letters are in reversed order.
*495.beg/ ask a favour-qiugao -kaekka/ ask
496.bow/ bent- qu- kuni construct a canal/ ditch -qudao – koattakam kattu; kattu- build .
498.ditch- qudao- koattakam
499.get- gude- kidaikka
500.go to/ leave- qu – yaeku
*501.wicked- quede- ketta
*502.human body – qu/ quqiao - yaakkai
*503.the body- qu ti –kattai
song- qu- gaanam [?Skt]
* get/ acquire- qu de- kai adaiya ; kai- hand; adaiya- to get .
505.delete- qu diao –neekkidu
506.cheek bones- quan – kanna enpu ;kannam- cheek; enpu- bone quan – kukkan ; naaikkan ; letters are jumbled.
508.stony- que -kann/ stone
*509.torture- kaoda –kodumai
510.treat harshly- kedai – kodumai / harsh ; kodumaiyaa nadaththa / treat harshly .
*511.cruel- kudu -kodiya
512.spiteful- kedo – kedukkum/ ketta ennam ; ekdukka- to spoil ; ketta- bad/ evil . ;ennam- thought.
513.ceremony- kedo –kadan ; kadamai .
514.beg- kenqiu-kenjuka
*515.bitter taste- kouku-kaikka
*516.suffering- kutou- keduthi ;kaedu .
517.happy- kualie- kalippu ; makizha
518.scholar- ru – arignar
* name- ru – uoor
*520.beautiful- ru -ari / beauty
521.small- rui- siriya big- ruo da- perithu / big
*523.burn- ruo-eriya
* fear- pa – paem ; payam/ fear .
*525.robe- pan – punai wear- pei dai -punainthidu
* wear- pi gua – punaika
528.torrent of rain- pei – peyal /rain
* join- pei – pinai
* pong – ponkka ; cook[ E] = aakka .
*531.swollen- pong – ponkka meet with- peng – paakka pei –paaimaa
*534. strap- pi dai – pattai
*535.small boat- pian – punai
*536.female- pen – penn
*537.male- nan -aan
* in Hebi- Potou –patti
* in Hebi- Puqi- paakkam
*540. place in Zhijiang- Putuo- patti /village ; paadi ;paettai .
*541.mother- mimi – ammai
*542.mountain range- maili –malai/ mountain
543.soft and beautiful- man- menmai / soft
*544.dead drunk- maotao –mattai adi
*545.beautiful- ma- am/ beauty
* – meimei – maamai
547.mysterious- mi- maayam ; letter is read more than once.
*548.face – mian – munai
*549.shining- mingliang- minukkalaaka ; minukkal – shining.
550.tip- mo- munai
*551.Chinese ink- mo/moshui –maei; masi .
*552.blackish- malu- maal/ black
*553.pasture- muqu- maeikka in Qin ghai – Maduo –Muttam / village
*555.god- Mani- Muni
* great- mao-maa/ great
*557.beautiful- mei li -mallal
*558.dark- mei - maei/ black
*559.what- na- enna
560.grandma- nainai –naani; annaiyin annai/ mother’s mother; annai- mother.
*561.cow - nui/niu - aan
cow- nainiu – aan
* male-nan- aan
563.male and female -nan- nu –aan penn ; penn- female .
564.head- naodai -mandai
565.gaze – ningzhu -noakku
*566.blush- nan-naana /to shy
567.muttering- nang –munu munkka
* ni – nee
* nin –nin
* ning- neenkka / polite form
571. I - ni – naan ; letter is read more than once .
572.we- ni- naam
*573.fatty / oily- ni- nei / fat/ oil
*574.jasmine- moli –malli
*575.jasmine- molihuo – mallikai ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘ka’ and not as ‘a’.
576.pupil of the eye- mou- mani
*577.young lady- niang -nankkai ; mankkai .
*578.tie- nuidai- inaiththidu do- nongu - noakku
580.angry dog- nou-naai /dog
* in Taiwan- Pate-patti / village
*582.flower- pa- poo
*583.stair case- pati – padi
*584.fear- patou- peethi
*585.wear- peidai- poadu ; uduththu.
586.wear- pi –punai
*587.pot- pen- paanai
*588.make an analogy – pi- oppu /analogy
589.visit prostitutes- piao- po/ go
*590.join- pin- pinai
*591.sword with a long blade- padao – patta
592.lake- po –pannai
*593.old and crude- polou- palaiya/ old ba- payanam
*595.father- baba- appa
596.moon’s path- baidao- paathai/ path ; pathama paathai; pathamam- moon .
* dress up- ban- punaiya
* do- ban- -pannu
599.pot- bao- paanai
* in Mongolia- baotuo – Patti / village.
* -bao bao – paappa
*602.a place in Tianjin – baodi – patti/ village ; paettai ; paadi .
* of a river in Henan- bian -pannai /river
*604.braid/plait - bian – pinnu
605.a place in Sichuan – butuo –patti / village keep- wei chi –wai
*607.fence- wei li – vaeli
*608.a place in Shandong- wudi- vaadi/ village
*609.lacking power/ strength- wu li- valu illai ;valu – strength ; illai- nil .
610. useless / worthless- wu yong – veenaaka
dance -wu dao – aadu
611.a place in Gansu – Wudu – vaadi / village.
*612. hit- ji dao- adi
613.collective- jiti- saenththu
614.afraid- ji- achcham
615.millet- ji- saamai
*616.jacket- ji ke – sokkaai
* join / to add in- jia ru – saeru
618.extinguish/ fire- jian – anai
*619.child- jian – sinnaiyan
*620.short- jian – sinna
*621.mountain stream- jian – sunai / mountain spring
*622.highest peak- jiao -uchchi
* connect- jie tong- saeththiduka ; saeththidunka . jini – soana [Indo Iranian ] ; pon/Tamil .
625.soak- jin- nanai
626.sok- jin tou – nanaiththidu
*627.angry- juan- sinam
628. fat- juan- nei
*629.expire- jui qe – saaka / to die
*630.lord- jun- eesan juni – saenai ; ani . troops- juni dui –saenai padai
* pull- la- izhu
*634.draw or pull / the curtains- lakai – izhukka/ pull of a mountain in Sichuan -lai- malai ; peeli ;silai / mountain.
*636.male/ person- lao- aal
*637.noise/ sound- lao- oli
638.old things- lao tao- palaiyathu
*639.rein in - le- aalu/to rule
640.rule/ govern- tao- aandidu
* /labour - lao – uzhai / to work hard ; uzhaippu / labour
* labour- laodang- uzhaiththidunkka / polite form ; uzhaiththiduka.
*643.toiling/ hard working- laoku –uzhaikka / to work hard
644.old/ outdated - lao – palaiya/ old ; paleo .
645.very old/ out of date- laodiaoya –palaiyathu / old
646.old block – laogutou- palaiya kattidam; palaiya- old ; kattidam- building.
647.old road- laolu-palaiya saalai ; palaiya – old; saalai- road.
648.tuberculosis- lao- sali/ mucus lao- sollu ; mozhiya .
*650.side of the chest- lei- allai
651.sad / sorrowful- liang- azhuka /wail ; azhunkka .
*652.measure- liao- ala
653.spilt- lie – pila
654.spilt- lie kou – pilakka
*655.weep- liulei –azhu
656.weep tears- liuti -azhuthidu/ weep
*657.wander about- liuyi -alaiya
658.roam about- liulang –alaika ; alainkka / plural .
659.fine gold- liu- peeli /gold
660.willow leaf- liuye – ilai/ leaf
661.stroll- liu- ulaava ; ulaa.
*662.kill- lu- azhi; ozhi .
*663.thread- lu -izhai
*664.plough- lei- uzhu /to plough
665.mark- li- pulli
666.mucus- li- sali
*667.inside- li –ullae
*668.lyre- lila – yaazh stand- li – nillu
*670.beautiful- li- yezhil measure- liang- alakka
672.penis- lia- poolu / phallus
*673.child’s cry- lie- azhu /cry
*674.rise sharply- lu – ezhu /rise 675.wipe- cadaio – thudai ;suththamaa thudai ;suththam /clean/ neat .
* chi – sae
*677.enemy- cho ren- siruni
* produce- chu- sei
679.thick- cu da- thadiththa
*680.bind- huan- inai
*681.rub- rou –uraaiya
682.meat- rou - eraichchi
683.damp- ru- eeram
684.out flow- wai tao – wadiya /over flow
685.coat- wai tao- udai /dress
*686.singly- wei du – woththaiya
*687.fence- wei li- vaeli
*688.beautiful- yan- ani
689.earthenware vessel- yan- yaenam/ vessel
* night- yeli- al /night
691.idea- yi nian- ennam
692.vagina- yin dao – pundai
693. to conduct- yin dao- nadaththu
*694.layer-yatiao - yaedu
*695.father- yan – iyan
*696.father- ye- iyaa
*697.grandmother- ye- aaya
*698.old woman – yu- aaya
699.same place- yida- athae idam ; idam- place; athae- same .
700.region- yidai- idam
701.single day - yidan –oththai thinam ; oththai- single.
702.a day- yitan -thinam
* or two- yi er- oar iru ; oru- one; eru- two .
704.all- yili – ellaam
*705.hug- yong –anaikka
*706.appoint – yueding -idunkka
707.agree- yueding –yaeththidunkka / polite form ; yaeththukka
*708.soak- yan – nanai
709.shake- yaodong –aattuka / to shake
*710.cloth material- yiliao – izhai
711.doubt- yi- iyam
712.idea/ thought- yinian – ennam
713.tease- yindou- seendu
714.musician- yueshi – isai / music
715.make love/ have sexual intercourse-yunyu - inaiya /to unite bind- zeng –inaikka
* zi- saai
718.lock- suo diao- adai ; saaththu /close.
719.urine- sui- uchchaa
720.die- siwang - saavunkka ;saavuka .
721.stillbirth- sitai- seththa saei ;seththa- died; saei- baby .
*722.shake- sou- asai ; shake[ E] = asaikka .
*723.sound of rain fall- sou sou- choaa nu
*724.say- shuo- asai
* sleep- shui- saaya /repose
726.suddenly- shudi- sattena ; sudden[E] = sattenu .
*727.drop- shui di- sotttu
*728.agreeable - shi yi- isaiya /to agree
* make- shi- sei
730.corpse- shiti- seththa pinam ; seththa- died; pinam- dead body .
*731.abundant- feng- ponkka
*734.leap- fei yue- paaya
* fei- paai
736.fall of snow- fei- pani peiyya ; pani- snow.
737.start- fadong- thudankku
738. shake- fadou- aattu /to shake
*739.distribute- fagei- paku
740.flood- fanlan- punal
741.let go- fangkei- poankka / polite form /to go fan- panniyam
743.lung- fei- nurai pai ; pai- bag .
*744.mist- fen- pani
745. father and mother- famu -appa amma ;appa- father; amma- mother.
*746.elegant- fengya- paankku
747.graveyard- fendi- pina maedu ; pinam- dead body; maedu- mound.
*748.throw- reng- erinkka / polite form ;erika /throw .
*749.two- er- eru
750.second child- ertai – erattai /twins
751.two states- eratai- eru naadu ; eru- two; naadu- state.
752.two body force- ertili - eru udal ;udal- body .
753.cut of the ears – er- aru /cut ; er= ear in Chinese .
754. sun- Ri – naayiru ; soori [Skt]
755.sun- ritou -parithi er- pari
*757.Erhai lake- Erhai - yaeri/ lake.
* of a river – er – aaru /river
759.forehead- e tou – neththi
760.sea turtle- ao- aaamai /turtle / tortoise
*761.old woman- ao- aayaa
*762.a place in Xinjiang- Aketao- kudi / village
*763.mix/ blend-zarou- saeru
764.waste- zaota – saetham
*765.make-zo- sei
*766.fight/ battle - zhandou- sandai
767.lean on / a stick- zhu- saaya /to lean on
768.moustache- ze- meesai
*769.child-zi- saei ;sisu.
769. midnight- ziye- saamam ; yaamam .
770.cow- zi- pasu;aan .
771.victory- zoukai – jeikka [ Skt] ; root word is saaikka / to knock down/ kill .
*772.cut with a knife- zaudao –seththu/cut
773.stop/ obstruct- zudang –thadunkka
*774.achieve- zuadao -saathi ththidu
* wutou- veedu
776.outflow- wailu- wazhiya / overflow
*777.outside- wailu- veli
778.obese- wano- wannam [ Malayalam ] ; kanam ; ka= va; va= ka.
* run away- tao tuo – oaadi du
*780.tap/ patter- tida- thattu
*781.pick up- ti qu- edukka
*782.choose/ select- tiao – edu
*783.uplift – tai qi –thooku
*784.cheat- tuo- yaeiththidu ; letter is read more than once.
* away- taoli- oaaduthal ; oattam eduththal .
786.braid- tao- mudaiya
787.billows- tao- oaatham/billow
788. read- duqu- padikka ; oaathuka .
789.lie down- daotou- paduththidu
790.sole- ta- paatha adi;adi paatham;paatham- foot; adi- sole/foot.
791.under shirt- ta- ut sattai ; sattai- shirt; jatti / under wear .
792.capture/seize - duoqu- pidikka
*793.take- duoqu- edukka
*794.take- duode- eduththidu
795.gamble- du- soothaadu
*796.unlined garment- danyi- thuni / cloth / garment
* term- diyagi- adaku /mortgage
*798.resist- didang- thadunkka/ polite form
799.skull- dulou- thalai ; thalai oaadu ; nuthal; azhi thalai ;letters are jumbled.
* out /read aloud- du- oaathu /recite
801.buttock- duzi- sooththu ; letters are read in reversed order.
802.alcoholic drink from second brewing- dou- thanni / liquor
*803.record /book- die- yaedu
804.deliver- di- oppadai
805.heart- de- ithayam
806.mind- de- manathu ; puththi ; siththam .
807.mature- daoqi- muththuka ; mature [E] = muthira .
808.finish- daodi- mudiththidu
one man show- dankou- thaniyaka nadaththa ; nadaththa- to conduct; thaniyaaka- solo; letters are jumbled.
809.single song- danqu- thani gaanam ; gaanam[?Skt] - song .
810.mistake- daguo- kuththam ; letters are in reversed order.
811.big- da- padu
812.eldest- da- mooththa
813.your- da- unnuthu
*814.close the shop for the night /dayang- adainkka /to close ;adaikka .
815.thunder- dalei-idi idiththal ; idi – thunder; idiththal- to thunder.
816.knot- dajie- mudichchu / a knot touch- dadang- thodunkka/ polite form; thoduka.
818.drill a hole- da- oaattai idu/ make a hole;oaattai- hole; idu- make.
819. draw/ paint- da- theettu
820. to answer- dali- pathil ali ; pathil- answer; ali- to give.
821.first- diyi- motha
*822. hammer- chuida- suththi
*823. to strike with the hammer- chuida- suththi adi ; adi- strike.
824. fire- chitui- sen thee/ divine fire; joathi [Skt].
*825.abuse- choud- yaesidu /scold.